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Forgotten who you are? Feeling lost?

Maybe the concept of journaling is something completely new or you are attempting it again for the millionth time because like me, you have a love of the concept, but the continuity of it is another story. How do we make it, keep it as precious, time well spent, that we come back to time and again. Somewhere along the way I believe the answer is in part getting to know ourselves better (often again) and of course, God. He needs to be integral so invite Him. 


Simply, it begins with just us, me, and our creator. He made us and He knows us, but do we know ourselves or do we keep finding ourselves lost. The ever changing landscape of life, nappy changes and endless laundry can distract and leave us exhausted and often bewildered. 


Amidst it all, we can however, do something about it. Even if it’s a process we have to keep repeating. So let's flex our emotional pecs, jog our memories and stretch out our fingers towards a pen and paper or the nearest keyboard. Begin to tap into yourself, the person you are right now, memories good and bad, how you actually feel, and overall keeping in mind that you ARE loved. This may all feel a little awkward and uncomfortable to begin with, writing about yourself, you’re usually ‘just mom’, so take your time and don’t feel rushed. 

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